Weekly Trader Joe’s Meal Plan #11

Welcome to your weekly Trader Joe’s meal plan! The purpose of these meal plans is to give you new and easy dinner ideas–who doesn’t need that?! Mix and match these with other ideas you have. I’d love to hear what you’re making this week! See all of our past meal plans here.

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Trader Joe's Weekly meal plan showing 4 dinners from Trader Joe's.

About Our Meal Plan

  1. Most items on the meal plan can be purchased at Trader Joe’s, but feel free to substitute non-TJ’s items as well!
  2. Not ALL recipes are Trader Joe’s specific. I feel this gives you a little more flexibility with your weekly meals.
  3. Feel free to mix and match these recipes with other recipes on past meal plans found here and other delicious recipes found here!

✔ Weekly Meal Plan




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